Battling the Flood Insurance Storm:

A Closer Look at FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 and the Fight for Fairness (Conclusion)

Louisiana has long been familiar with the challenges of flooding. With extensive expertise in flood management and a history of proactive measures to protect its communities, the state knows how to reduce flood risk and safeguard its residents. However, recent changes in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) flood insurance policies have sent shockwaves through the state, impacting homeowners, small businesses, and communities. In this blog post, we delve into the issue of FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 and provide an update on the progress of the parishes’ ongoing lawsuit against it.
A Longstanding Legacy Shattered
FEMA had relied on its legacy rating system for 52 years, which based flood insurance premiums on historical, discernible data, aligning with Congress’s mandate to make flood insurance coverage affordable and available. Risk Rating 2.0 has shattered this legacy, impacting Louisiana and coastal states where approximately 50% of the population resides and works near water.
The Legal Battle: Progress and Unity
In response to this crisis, a coalition of 10 states, 43 parishes, 12 levee boards, and several municipalities, including Former Attorney General Jeff Landry, have taken legal action against FEMA. This lawsuit aims to challenge the lack of transparency and the potential financial distress that homeowners and small businesses are facing.
While Louisiana is grateful for federal assistance during natural disasters, Risk Rating 2.0’s lack of transparency violates Congress’s specific transparency mandate and places many families at risk of bankruptcy or foreclosure. The legal petition asks the court for relief not only for the people of Louisiana but for every American who risks losing their home or business after taking the right precautions.
Conclusion: A Fight for Fairness
It is regrettable that it has come to this, but after years of trying to negotiate, the only choice was to sue FEMA for relief or stand back and watch as citizens handed over the keys to their homes and small businesses. The fight against FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 is a fight for fairness, transparency, and the protection of homeowners and small businesses nationwide. The parishes and states involved in this lawsuit are standing together to protect the rights of their citizens and to ensure that affordable flood insurance remains accessible.
As the battle against FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 continues, it’s crucial to stay informed and support efforts aimed at restoring fairness and transparency to the flood insurance system. The survival of our communities depends on it.
Information sources:
NPR Article – “FEMA Lawsuit: Flood Insurance Rate Hikes” Link
Houma Times Article – “AG Jeff Landry Weighs In on FEMA Lawsuit” Link ↩

For more information, follow Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government and this blog for ongoing information regarding the suit.

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